采用热压成型工艺制备了导电钛酸钾晶须(PTWs)/聚丙烯(PP)复合材料,研究了晶须用量对复合材料导热性能、抗静电性能和力学性能的影响。结果表明,随着PTWs用量的增加,PTWs/PP复合材料的热导率提高、体积电阻率和摩擦静电荷下降;材料的拉伸强度、弯曲强度均随PTWs用量的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势;而熔体流动速率则呈增大趋势。当PTWs体积分数达到0.38%时,材料的热导率达到最大值0.5105 W.m-1.K-1,电阻率降低到109Ω.cm以下,满足一般抗静电材料的要求。
Conductive potassium titanate whiskers(PTWs) were used as a novel filler to prepare PTWs/ polypropylene(PP) composites by hot-press forming technology,for which the good thermally conductive and antistatic properties were obtained.The effects of PTWs content on thermal conductivity,volume resistivity,mechanical properties and formability of the PTWs/PP composites were investigated.The results show that with the increase of the PTWs content,thermal conductivity of the PTWs/PP composites increases whi1e volume resistivity decreases,besides,tensile and flexural strength of the PTWs/PP composites exhibits a tendency to increase firstly and then decrease,and the melt flow rate exhibits a tendency to increase.The PTWs/PP composite filled with 0.38% of PTWs presents the maximum thermal conductivity with the value of 0.5105 W·m-1·K-1 and the minimum volume resistivity of 109 Ω·cm,which meets the requirements for antistatic materials.
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