The steady state creep rate equdtion of a nickel base superalloy Inconel 718, strengthened by coherent ordered disc-shaped bct γ~(11) phase and coherent spherical fcc γ~1 phase precipitates, has been established in the stress and temperature ranges of 620-840 MN m~(-2) and 853-943K, respecti- vely. Constant stress tensile creep tests were used to medsure the values of steady state creep rate, ε_s, and the consecutive stress reduction method was used to measure the back stress during creep deformation. The values of effective stress exponent, n_e, were detemined from the slopes of the lgε_s vs. lg(σ_a-σ_0)/G plots. The effect of grain size, d, on steady state creep rdte has been also studied in this investigation, and the grain size sensitive exponents m were detemined from the slopes of lgε_s vs. lg(b/d) plots. The creep rate equations of Inconel 718, in the above stress and temperature ranges, have been proposed to be ε_s=1.6×10~(-5)(D_1Gb/KT) (b/d )~(0.19)[(σ_a-σ_0)/G]~(1.35) in diffusional creep region, and ε_s =75(D_1Gb/KT) (b/d)~(-0.42)[(σ_a-σ_0)/G]~(5.5) in dislocation power law creep region.
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