In order to study the effect of electrospinning process parameters on the diameter-distribution of PA6nanofibers containing silver particles,the electrospinning technology is used to prepare the nanofiber.The nylon 6nanofiber membranes containing silver particles are prepared via electrospinning with different silver mass fraction,different spinning solution concentrations,different spinning voltage,different receiving distance(C-SD)and different nozzle diameter.The diameter-distribution and morphology of nanofibers containing silver particles are analyzed by scanning electronic microscope(SEM)and related software,the silver mass fraction of which is 0.2%~0.4%,the solution concentration is 10%~16%,the spinning voltage is 12~21kV,the receiving distance(C-SD)is 9~18cm,nozzle diameter is 0.5~1.2mm.The average diameter distributes from 70nm to 90nm.The diameter of nanofiber reduces as the content of silver particles increases,incresses as the solution concentration is raised and increases with the nozzle diameter iS raised.The voltage and receive distance(C-SD)have little influence on nanofiber diameter.
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