


由于苦咸水的化学组成和浓度分布在不同地区有着显著的差异,以及淡化工艺中普遍较高的浓缩因子( concentrate factor, CF)值(在4—10之间),苦咸水反渗透( brackish water reverse osmosis, BWRO)淡化过程中的膜污染现象、类型和程度较海水反渗透( seawater reverse osmosis, SWRO)淡化过程有明显的不同。目前,膜污染已成为BWRO大规模应用于苦咸水淡化领域的瓶颈之一,如何解决这一问题成为该领域的研究热点。本文详细综述了国内外BWRO淡化过程中影响膜面污染因素的应用研究进展,重点介绍了进水来源污染成分及污染倾向、进水水质优劣指标和进水物性对膜面污染的影响;按照分离技术的不同,分类讨论了常规预处理和膜法预处理工艺,指出后者不易受进水水质变化的影响,能够更好地降低膜面污染潜能,并针对目前的研究现状提出了建议。

Fouling phenomenon, type and degree in brackish water reverse osmosis ( BWRO ) desalination are significantly different from seawater reverse osmosis ( SWRO) process, due to the complex components of brackish water in different regions and the higher concentrate factor ( CF ) value in the majority of BWRO processes. Currently, membrane fouling as one of the bottlenecks for the large?scale BWRO application, has attracted in creasing attentions. In this review, overseas and domestic research progresses in application factors influencing the fouling on membrane surface in BWRO desalination were summarized in detail. The fouling components, fouling potential and quality indicators in water resources, and the physical properties influencing membrane fouling were introduced respectively. Two types of pretreatment methods including conventional and membrane technology were analysed, and the advantage of consistently high quality independent of influent associated with for membrane pretreatment was pointed out. In addition, the problems and suggestions for the current research status were proposed.


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