多组分燃料在热板的蒸发与着火规律与空间相比,具有一些新的特点,特别是乳化油的贴壁燃烧现象更有重要意义。本文通过实验将多组分与单组分的燃烧情况进行了对比研究。结果表明:(1)易挥发组分的着火延迟在较低的温度条件下长于不易挥发份,在较高温度时情况相反。混合物则居于其中;(2)对于含水的乳化油,燃烧与微爆发生先后同的外界条件有关,其着火过程极为迅速。 (3)乳化油中易挥发燃料含量较高,环境温度也较高时,微爆滞后很明显。
Compared with the vaporization and combustion of single droplet in space, thereare some new characters when a droplet contacts with a hot surface, especiallyfor the case of emulsified oil. An experimental study of the vaporization andignition of droplet on hot surface has been conducted in the present paper.Through the comparison between the characters of multiple component and singlecomponent droplet, many valuable conclusions can be drown as follows.(1) For the more volatile component as heptane, the ignition delay is muchlonger than that of less volatile component as hexadecane when surfacetemperature is lower, while the case is contrary when surface temperature ishigher. The ignition delay of blend droplet stands in the middle; (2) Foremulsified oil, the occurrence priority of ignition and micro-explosion isrelated with the surface temperature. The combustion process is very rapid.(3) When the content of volatile additive in emulsified oil is more and surfacetemperature is higher, the micro-explosion lag will be more visible.
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