利用XDTM法与搅拌铸造技术相结合的工艺 制备了TiCp/Zn10Al(%)复合材料, 采用定向凝固技术研究增强粒子TiCp在凝固界面的行为及对复合材料凝固速度的影响。结果表明:TiC颗粒被凝固的界面前沿所排斥,造成界面前沿TiC颗粒富集, 但当TiC颗粒含量超过6% 后, 富集现象已不显著。同时发现随着TiC颗粒含量的增加, 复合材料的凝固速度降低。
TiCp/Zn10Al(%) composites was fabri cated by XDTM and stirring casting techniques. The behavior of reinforcement TiC particle in the solidifi c ation interface and its effect on the solidification velocity of composites were studied by the directional solidification. The results show that TiC particle is pushed by the solidification front, which results in the accumulati on of TiC in the front. However this phenomenon is not obvious when the particl e extent is more than 6%. Meanwhile, the solidification velocity of composites decrease with the increasing of the TiC particle content.
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