生产镀锌板的热浸镀机组中的各种轴承、沉没辊等受锌液的强烈腐蚀, 对热镀锌的生产和产品质量有很大影响. 热喷涂耐锌液腐蚀涂层是解决这一难题的一种重要的防护方法. 本文主要介绍了近年来国内外关于耐锌液腐蚀热喷涂涂层材料的开发及相应的涂层制备技术, 系统分析了各涂层材料在锌液中的腐蚀机理和封孔剂在热喷涂涂层耐锌液腐蚀中的重要性, 并指出涂层中微裂纹的控制是提高其耐锌液腐蚀性能的方向.
Zinc plated steel has found its wide applications in all kinds of industries, but some key parts in the production line, such as bearing and sink roller, suffer from serious corrosion of molten zinc, which greatly affects the production efficiency and the quality of products. Thermal spray coatings serve as important corrosion resistance coatings to get rid of the above troubles. The R & D status of thermal spray coatings against zinc corrosion and their corresponding manufacturing technique were introduced, and the corrosion failure mechanism for thermal spray coatings was systematically analyzed. The importance of sealing reagent was emphasized for thermal spray coatings. Finally, the improvement in the corrosion resistance to zinc molten was directed to the inhibition of crack formation.
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