利用几种不同污泥制备烧结保温墙体材料,对比非厌氧消化污泥与厌氧消化污泥制备烧结保温墙体材料的性能。首先分析研究原料的物理、化学性能,结果表明,重庆地区的页岩适宜作为制备污泥砖的掺配料,最佳烧成温度为950℃;污泥具有高含水率,高发热量和高烧失量等特点。其次,选择综合性能较好1#污泥和4#污泥脱水后加入页岩,进行成型烧结,测定制品的成型含水率、干燥收缩率和抗压强度等。结果表明:4#污泥制品的综合性能高于1#污泥。当非厌氧消化污泥掺量为15%,烧成温度为950℃时,试样抗压强度等级达到MU7.5,导热系数为0.3001 W/(m·K),比纯页岩降低了33.33%;当厌氧消化污泥掺量为20%,烧成温度为950℃时,试样抗压强度等级达到MU7.5,导热系数为0.2600 W/(m·K),比纯页岩降低了42.22%。分析可知,在保证强度不变的情况下,厌氧消化污泥可有效提高污泥制砖掺量。
Several kinds of sludge were used to prepare the thermal insulation wall materials, and the performances between non anaerobic digested sludge with anaerobic digested sludge in prepare the thermal insulation wall materials was compared. Firstly, the physical and chemical properties of raw materials were studied. The results show that Chongqing shale is suitable for the preparation of sintering block as raw material, and the optimum sintering temperature is 950 ℃. Sludge was characterized with high moisture content, high heat and high fever loss. Secondly, 1 # sludge and 4 # sludge were selected out to mix with shale, because of the best overall performance. The samples were sintered, and measured their molding moisture content, drying shrinkage rate, compressive strength ect. . The results show that the comprehensive performances of 4# sludge is higher than that of 1# sludge. When the non anaerobic digested sludge content is 15%, firing temperature is 950 ℃, the compressive strength grade of the samples reached MU7. 5, thermal conductivity were 0. 30001 W/(M·K), decreasing by 33. 33% than pure shale. When the anaerobic digested sludge content is 20%, firing temperature is 950 ℃, the compressive strength grade of the samples reached MU7. 5, thermal conductivity is 0. 2600 W/(M·K), decreasing by 42. 22% than pure shale. Analysis shows that, in the case of ensuring the strength to be the same, anaerobic digested sludge could effectively improve the content of sludge in making sludge bricks.
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