以乳酸为原料,辛酸亚锡为催化剂,采用梯度升温法,在168℃、0.098 MPa下直接熔融缩聚合成端羟基改性聚乳酸共聚物聚(乳酸/1,4丁二醇)[P(LA/BDO)]、聚(乳酸/二乙醇胺)[P(LA/DEA)]和聚(乳酸/ε-己内酯)[P(LA/CL)]。用乌氏黏度法、红外光谱(FT-IR)、核磁共振(1H-NMR)、差示扫描量热(DSC)、热重分析(TGA)及X射线衍射(XRD)等对聚合物进行了表征。结果表明,三种端羟基聚合物的Tg均比PLA的低,改性剂的引入降低了聚乳酸的刚性,起到了一定的增塑作用;各聚合物热稳定性较好,为一步分解;P(LA/CL)和P(LA/BDO)的结晶度比PLA有所降低,柔韧性增强,而P(LA/DEA)为无定型聚合物,这种无定型结构有利于材料的降解。
The hydroxyl-terminated modified polylactic acid copolymers of poly(lactic acid/1,4-butanediol)[P(LA/BDO)],poly(lactic acid/diethanolamine)[P(LA/DEA)] and poly(lactic acid/ε-caprolactone)[P(LA/CL)]were synthesized via directly melt polycondensation with D,L-racemic lactic acid(D,L-LA) as raw material and stannous octoate as catalyst.The copolymerization reaction was performed at the temperature of 168 ℃ and the pressure of 0.098 MPa using linear heating method.The copolymers were characterized by viscosity-average molecular weight,Fourier transform infrared spectrum(FT-IR),1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum(1H-NMR),differential scanning calorimetry(DSC),thermogravimetric analysis(TGA) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).The results demonstrate that Tg of the hydroxyl-terminated copolymers is lower than that of PLA,reducing the rigidity of PLA with certain plasticization;The copolymers have good thermal stability for one-step decomposition;Compared with PLA,the crystallinity of P(LA/CL) and P(LA/BDO) decreases,and the flexibility increases.While P(LA/DEA) is amorphous polymer,this amorphous structure is conducive to the degradation.
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