


通过数学物理模拟以及工业应用实践,研究了异型坯结晶器内单、双浸入式水12浇铸时流场特征及实际冶金效果,优化了双浸入式水12的设计参数.模拟研究结果表明,双浸入式水12浇铸有利于异型坯结晶器内流场的均匀性和对称性,避免了单水12浇铸时局部区域流体流动强烈现象,改善结晶器液面的稳定性和波动均匀性;双浸入式水口最优设计参数为底孔直径23 mm、腹向侧孔直径14 mm、翼向侧孔直径10 mm、侧孔倾角6°.工业实践表明,异型坯连铸双浸入式水口浇铸技术使结晶器内流场分布更合理,液渣层分布更均匀,结晶器粘结漏钢发生率下降32.8%,废品率降低20%,平均连浇炉数增加近3倍,提高了连铸生产效率.

The flow fields and the metallurgical effects of the beam blank mold with double SENs and single SEN were studied by water-model experiment and industrial practice, and the designed parameters of double SENs were optimized by numerical simulation. The experiment and simulation show that the flow field of double SENs is more symmetrical and molten steel level fluctuation is optimum, and the optimal parameters of double SENs are obtained as follows, the diameter of bottom port approximately 23 mm, the diameter of side ventro-port approximately 14 mm, the diameter of side wing-port approximately 10 ram, and side port angle about 6°. The industrial practice indi-cated that the liquid steel flow of double SENs was more suitable for the process of the beam blank mold in No. 3 steelmaking and rolling plant of Ma'anshan Iron and Steel Co. , Ltd. The rate of sticking breakout was descended by 32.8%, the rate of waste product was decreased by 20%, the heat number of sequential casting was increased by a-bout 3 times.


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