通过测量镦头自腐蚀电位等参数,判断吊杆钢丝的腐蚀概率 ;以吊杆钢丝和CCMP-I检测探头分别作为研究电极,运用恒电量技术检测获得Rp值和 Tafel常数,从而计算出腐蚀速率icorr.检测结果表明:压浆对增强钢丝的保护 有成效;由于锈蚀原因不同,各短吊杆位置钢丝的锈蚀速率差异很大.
Initial survey to estimate corrosion of the bridge suspender was made by measuring the potential of anchor block,and other useful r elated information such as moisture and permeation of concrete in the crossbeam were also collected.Therefore the corrosion probability of steel wire might be g ot re asonably.In addition,while the steel wire and CCMP-I probe were treated respecti vely as the working electrode in the measurement electrode system,polarization r esistance and Tafel constant could be determined by the coulostatic method,thu s corrosion current density can also be calculated,so that the corrosion state o f st eel wire would be obtained more exactly.The results showed that the suspender st eel wire was protected by grouting,the corrosion rate of the steel wire in the s horter suspender existing a great gap with different reasons.
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