


利用SEM、XPS、XRD等手段研究了以山嵛酸(BA)Langmuir单层膜为模板在位诱导氟化钙单晶的生长情况. 结果表明, 在山嵛酸单分子膜诱导作
用下, 形成的氟化钙晶体形状比较规则、边缘清晰、尺寸较大, 且沿(111)晶面取向生长. 这一结果可以通过CaF2晶体的(111)面与山嵛酸Langmuir膜之间存在的一定晶格匹配得到合理解释.

Crystallization of inorganic solids at self-organized organic or biomacromolecular surfaces is an important process in biomineralization and crystal engineering. Thereinto,
Langmuir monolayers are often used as simple models of biomineralization; they can guide the growth of oriented crystals of specific structure, size,
and morphology. In this paper, the growth of the CaF2 crystals induced in situ by Langmuir monolayers as the template was investigated by means of
SEM, XPS and XRD. The results of XRD show that CaF2 grows only along the (111) face under benhenic acid (BA) monolayer, which indicates (111) direction
is preferable orientation for the growth of CaF2 crystals; SEM shows that the morphology of the CaF2 crystals induced by BA monolayer is relatively
regular and simplex, but in the bulk solution, it’s irregular and easy to form large size grains. Those may be reasonably explained by lattice matching
between the benhenic acid headgroups in the monolayer and the CaF2 crystals lattice which were fabricated under monolayer.


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