利用四种不同的原料和工艺制备了四种二氧化钛凝胶,通过DSC-TG分析凝胶从25~900℃的组分和物相变化的过程.利用XRD和TEM来测定变化过程中晶型和粒径的变化.凝胶在80~100℃时失去吸附的水和有机物,在 280~290℃时有机物分解,在370~400℃之间二氧化钛从无定形向锐钛矿晶型转变,在500℃以上失去结构水,在650℃以后开始逐渐从锐钛矿型向金红石转变.
Nanometer TiO2 powders were prepared by four different methods. DSC and TG techniques were used to study the changes of TiO2 compositions and phases from 25℃ to 900℃. The gels powders of TiO2 were characterized by XRD and TEM. DSC and TG results show that the absorbed water and organism will be lost at 80~100℃, the organism discompose at 280~290℃, TiO2 thus obtained will transform from amorphous phase to anatase phase, at 370~400℃, the structure water will be lost above 500℃, and anatase phase transform gradually to rutile phase between 650℃ and 900℃.
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