


采用溶胶-凝胶法制备纳米多孔SiO_2减反射薄膜,通过对不同制备工艺的探索(如陈化时间、提拉速度)以及所制备的纳米SiO_2薄膜的微观结构的研究,探究SiO_2溶胶特性对薄膜结构的影响以及薄膜纳米结构对其光透过率的影响,寻找最优化的制备工艺制备纳米多孔SiO_2减反射薄膜,进一步提高太阳电池组件上超白玻璃的透过率问题. 结果表明以氨水为催化剂、陈化时间为4天、提拉速度为1.25mm/s的工艺制备减反射薄膜效果最好. 在超白玻璃盖板上镀减反射膜后, 透过率 (400~1100nm)由90%提高到96%,对太阳电池组件应用可进一步增加6%左右的可见光利用.

Sol-gel method was introduced to prepare nano-porous SiO_2 anti-reflection film coated onto cover glass in silicon solar module.The effects of the aging time,pulling rate and the nanostructure on the transmittance of SiO_2 film have been studied.The results show that the best performance of SiO_2 anti-reflection film was obtained by the conditions including ammonia catalyst,aging time of 4 days and pulling rate of 1.25mm/s.The transmittance of the super-white glass was increased from 90% to 96% after coated with this anti-reflection film in the wavelength range from 400 to 1100nm.As a result,the utilization of light for solar module was further increased.


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