


以7.4Na2O-29.4B2O3-63.2SiO2-1TiO2(wt%)为玻璃组成,通过热处理、酸溶液浸析的方法制备了平均孔径为91.4 nm、比表面积为13.786 m2/g、孔容为0.3150 cm3/g的无裂纹多孔玻璃基片(20×20×1.5mm),采用压汞仪等测试分析了酸浸析浓度、酸浸析时间及酸浸析缓冲剂对多孔玻璃孔结构和基片碎裂的影响,并利用场发射扫描电镜观察多孔玻璃的显微结构,发现以0.5 M HCl/24h及饱和Na2B4O7为酸浸析缓冲剂,可有效防止多孔玻璃碎裂,提高成品率,可为大孔径的片状多孔玻璃的发展和应用起到推动作用。

Macroporous glass plates without cracks(20×20×1.5mm) were synthesized by leaching phase-seperated 7.4Na2O-29.4B2O3-63.2SiO2-1TiO2(wt%) glass with acid solutions.Its average pore size is 91.4 nm,surface area is 13.786 m2/g and pore volume is 0.3150 cm3/g.The influences of the concentration of HCl,acid leaching time and buffer on pore structure of porous glass and plate cracking were studied by mercury intrusion porosimetry.The field emission scanning electron microscopy(FESEM) was used to observe the microstructure of porous glass.The optimal parameters are 0.5 M HCl/ 24h.It has been found advantageous to use saturated Na2B4O7 as acid leaching buffer to prevent cracks effectively.It would promote the application and development of macroporous glass plates.


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