


以无纬布/炭纤维网胎叠层针刺预制体为增强体,经化学气相渗透(CVI)联合沥青浸渍/高压炭化(HPIC)方法制备了针刺C/C材料,研究了该材料的热力学性能,并与整体毡C/C材料进行了对比.结果表明:针刺C/C材料室温及2800℃下轴向拉伸强度分别为24.50 MPa和52.88 MPa,较整体毡C/C材料分别提高了138%和170%,且拉伸破坏模式为假塑性.针刺C/C材料热物理性能优于整体毡C/C材料,1000℃轴向热膨胀系数仅为1.409×10-6/℃,相比降低了64%.针刺C/C材料优异的机械强度和良好的热物理性能为其在固体火箭发动机中的应用奠定了基础.

A C/C composite was prepared by chemical vapor infiltration followed by repeated pitch impregnation and high pres-sure carbonization to a final density of 1. 9 g/cm3 using a needled non-woven carbon fiber felt preform. Its mechanical properties were compared with a 3D woven C/C composite. Results indicated that the axial tensile strength of the needled C/C composite was 24. 5 and 52. 88 MPa at room temperature and 2800 ℃, respectively, correspondingly 138 and 170% higher than that of the 3D woven C/C composite. The failure mode of the needled composite was pseudoplastic. The axial thermal expansion coefficient of the needled composite at 1000 ℃ was only 1. 409×10-6/℃, 64% lower than that of the 3D woven composite. The needled C/C com-posite exhibits excellent mechanical strength and thermal physical properties which make it potentially useful for a solid rocket mo-tor.


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