在实验室研究中空纤维镍基板的制备工艺的基础上, 采用自制的网络化的ANN-GA系统对58个样本进行了 工艺参数优化和寻优, 得到的最佳工艺参数如下: 中空镍纤维含量为97%; 烧结温度为1275 K; 保温 时间为20 min; 造孔剂 PVB, PP和Ni(OH)2的含量 分别为5%, 3.5%和1%. 在最优工艺条件基础上, 获得 了性能优异、孔率接近87%的基板材料. 并用计算机分析和预报了各单因素的影响规律, 预测结果与 文献报道的实验结果一致.
Based on the amount of preparation work of hollow fibrous nickel plaque in laboratory, ANN-GA programs on computer network which were designed by our group was used in optimizing the process parameters and looking for the optimized condition. The optimized condition was that the content of nickel fiber was 97%, sintering temperature 1275 K and holding time 20 min, PVB 5%, PP 3.5% and Ni(OH)2 1%. Under the optimized condition the satisfactory plaque with almost 87% porosity has been carried out and every single factor effect on the plaque porosity during preparing the plaque was analyzed and predicted with computer. These results coincided with those obtained by other researchers' experiments.
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