



The modified Ca1-xSmxMnO3(0≤x≤0.3) powders were prepared through sol-gel auto-combustion route for their future application in conductive materials.The effects of Sm doping contents on the structure and conductive properties of the powders were studied.The results show that the doping of Sm can decrease the resistivity of CaMnO3 powders effectively and the resistivity of the modified powders represents the typical V type variation with the increase in the doping contents,and the Ca1-xSmxMnO3 powders with the lowest resistivity of 0.2920 Ω·m are obtained when the x=0.2.Meanwhile,the Ca0.8Sm0.2MnO3 powders have good frequency stability and good conductivity in high temperature.The XRD and SEM analyses illustrate that with the increase in x,the diffraction peaks of Ca1-xSmxMnO3 powders move to the small angles with the weakening in intensities,and the cell parameters as well as the cell volume is increased contemporaneously.The grain size is decreasing continuously when x is changing from 0 to 0.2,however,the grain size begins to increase slightly when x increases to 0.3.The distortion of crystal lattices caused by doping of Sm leads to the variation law of resistivity as "V" type of Ca1-xSmxMnO3 powders.


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