The electrodeposition of Al-Mn and Al-Mn-Ti (Ce) alloys on steel substrate were studied at 200t from eutectic chloride molten salt with a controlled addlition of MnC12, TiCl, and &?&. It was sh that the Al-Mn alloy coating with single anmplmus structure can be obtained den Mn content is above 31 % , and the mion resistance, hardness as mll as decorative properties of single-phase anrnphous coatings are superior to the of dual-phase coating. Ccmpared with aluminum, increasing of 350 -450 mV for pitting potential and 470-560 Hv for rniclDhardness were observed in the single anrnphous coatings. Moreover, It is shown that the addition of elements titanium and cerium canirnprmre the formation of metallic glassy structure of Al-Mn in the coating and can make the mrphous Al-k phase to fom easily in lw IVfncontent. The addition of element Ce or Ti canenhance the amc&m resistance and hardness, i. e. raise the pitting potential for 100-200 mV, the hardness of the coatings canbe increased up to 800 Hv.
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