MCrAlY( M=Ni,Co,NiCo)合金材料由于其优异的抗氧化性能和抗腐蚀性能,作为热障涂层的粘结层材料或单层涂层得到广泛应用。简要介绍了MCrAlY涂层的组成,并系统地阐述了为提高MCrAlY粘结层材料性能,对粘结层成分进行改性的研究进展,主要包括掺杂合金元素和掺杂硬质颗粒。合金元素主要包含Re,Hf,Pt,Ta等稀土元素;硬质颗粒主要是CeO2,Al2 O3等氧化物颗粒。通过掺杂合金元素和硬质颗粒,可以使MCrAlY涂层中形成扩散障碍,改变MCrAlY的相组成,降低粘结层中Al,Cr等元素的扩散速率,从而有效地降低TGO的生长速率,延缓TGO中尖晶石相的形成,提高MCrAlY涂层的抗氧化性能。
Due to its outstanding resistance against oxidation and corrosion, MCrAlY ( M=Ni,Co,NiCo) alloy has been widely used as bond coating for thermal barrier coatings or single coating. This paper introduced the MCrAlY coatings and systematically summarized the modification methods for the compositions of MCrAlY coatings, including doping alloy elements or solid particles. Alloy elements were rare elements, such as Re, Hf, Pt, Ta, and the solid particles mainly were CeO2 or Al2 O3 . Doping with alloy elements and solid particles could facilitate the formation of diffusion barriers in the coatings to decrease the diffusion rate of ele-ments, such as Al, Cr, and change the phase compositions of MCrAlY coatings. This process could effectively reduce the growth rate of TGO, restrain the formation of spinel phases and improve the oxidation resistance of the coatings.
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