The multilayer composites were prepared by cofiring Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 based ferroelectrics and
NiZnCu ferrite. Their interaction, cofiring properties and interface microstructure were investigated. The difference factor dD
was proposed to describe the microstructure difference between the interface and the inner parts. The results show that there is no chemical reaction exsting
between the ferroelectrics and ferrite materials. The multilayer composites cofired by ferroelectrics and ferrite at low temperature
(950℃) with no camber and crack defects can be successfully prepared. The grain of ferroelectrics adjacent to the interface is
larger than that far from the interface. The interface bonding property of the multilayer composites testified by quenching into water from 500℃
to room temperature, showing no cracks or delaminations, is excellent.
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