


The aims of this study are to investigate the effects of Nd addition in the Mg-Al-Ca alloys on microstructure and mechanical properties. Microstructure of as-cast Mg-5Al-3Ca alloy containing Nd consists of α-Mg matrix,eutectic phase and Al-Nd rich intermetallic compound. As Nd addition was increased, α-Mg matrix morphology was changed from dendritic to equiaxed grains and average value of grain size was decreased. Nd addition to Mg-5Al-3Ca based alloys resulted in the formation of Al-Nd rich intermetallic compounds at grain boundary and α-Mg matrix grains. And these Al-Nd rich intermetallic compounds were dispersed homogeneously. In these alloys, two kinds of eutectic phases were observed, i.e. coarse irregular-shape structure at grain boundary and fine needle-shape structure in the α-Mg matrix grain. It is found that the ultimate strength showed the maximum value of 271 MPa at Mg-5Al-3Ca-2Nd alloy and elongation was decreased as the addition of Nd was increased.


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