The inhibition behavior and mechanism of N,N'-diphenyl thiourea(DPH-TU) on the corrosion of Q235 steel in sulphuric acid medium and the synergistic effect of DPH-TU and sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDBS) were studied by using polarization curves measurements,electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) and quantum chemistry methods.The results showed that DPH-TU was an effective mixing type inhibitor.The two inhibitors showed significant synergistic inhibition effect on the corrosion of steel,which became the most significant when concentration ratio of the two inhibitors was 1:1.It was suggested that the adsorption of DPH-TU and SDBS on Q235 mild steel might be a chemosorption of exothermic processs.The corresponding thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption process for DPH-TU/ SDBS were calculated according to the El-Awady kinetic model.
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