


采用溶胶-凝胶(sol-gel)工艺制备ZnO电压敏陶瓷粉体.探讨其制备的最佳工艺条件:以 Zn(NO与 NaOH为反应前驱物制取胶体, Zn2+浓度控制在 0.5mol·L-1以上, pH值7.5左右,预烧温度300℃,陶瓷烧结温度1200℃;制得的压敏电阻的非线性系数α=28;研究了稀土La掺杂对该陶瓷电性的影响:低浓度掺杂时,可提高压敏电压,高浓度掺杂时;不呈现压敏特性;对粉体进行了X射线衍射和透射电镜分析,预烧后得到五元掺杂的ZnO粉体粒形呈球状,属六方晶系,粒径分布窄,约为40~80nm.

A new process of preparing non-linear ZnO varistor ceramics was reported. The optimum processing conditions were determined as follows: Zn(NO3)2 and NaOH
as the raw material, the concentration of Zn2+ to be above 0.5mol·L-1, pH value of 7.5, calcining temperature of 300℃, sintering temperature of 1200℃; the varistors with non-linear coefficient of 28 were obtained. The
effect of rare earth element La2O3 on the electrical properties of the ceramics was discussed to be: doping at low concentration is helpful to enhance
its breakdown voltage; at high concentration its voltage sensitive properties will disappear. The powder was characterized by XRD and TEM, showing the five-additive
powder to be spherical and with a diameter about 40~80 nm.


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