本文采用三氟乙酸盐-金属有机沉积(TFA-MOD)技术在LaAlO3(001)单晶基片上、在不同的低温热处理条件下制备出不同形貌的前驱膜.从金相显微镜(OM)和扫描电镜(SEM)观察可以看出,低温预分解时造成前驱膜的形貌不完整性在高温处理后并没有消除.对高温热处理后的YBCO成相膜用X射线衍射进行了物相定性分析,用J_c-Scan Leipzig系统对超导薄膜进行了超导性能分析,结果表明,前驱膜的形貌不完整性造成高温成相阶段样品杂相出现和超导性能降低,经过对低温热处理条件的优化,得到表面形貌完整的前驱膜,避免了高温成相阶段杂相出现,提高了涂层导体的超导性能,Jc可以超过1.5 MA/cm2.
In this paper, different kinds of morphology of YBCO precursor films on LaAlO_3(001) single crystal substrates was obtained by TFA-MOD on different calcining conditions. From optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), it was found that the imperfections of precursor film morphology formed at the calcining stage could not be eliminated at the later firing process. The structure and property of crystalline YBCO films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and J_c-scan Leipzig system. Our results have shown that the imperfections of precursor film morphology would cause formation of impurity phases and lead to degradation of superconducting properties. After optimization of calcining conditions, the precursor films with excellent surface morphology could be obtained and the impurity phase formation could be avoided at firing process. The J_c for improved film morphology is larger than 1.5 MA/cm~2.
[1] | 崔旭梅,陶伯万,李言荣,刘兴钊,陈家俊,邓新武,张鹰.TFA-MOD方法制备YBCO涂层导体的研究进展[J].稀有金属材料与工程,2005(08):1186-1190. |
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