尾矿库水位是影响坝体稳定性重要因素之一.为了得到不同水位下坝体安全运行状况,首先采用 Geo Studio 软件中的 SEEP/W 模块,对不同水位下坝体渗流场进行分析,然后将 SEEP /W的分析结果导入 SIGMA /W 模块,对坝体的应力场进行分析,最后运用 SLOPE /W 模块,分析得到不同水位下潜在滑移面位置和边坡安全系数.运用 Geo Studio 软件对坝体进行流固耦合分析,可掌握不同水位下尾矿坝运行状况,得到的结果也更加符合实际情况.
ning situation of dam at different water levels ,firstly SEEP /W module of Geo Studio is used to analyze dam seepage The water level of tailings dam is one of important factors which affect dam stability .To know the run-field.Secondly,analysis results of SEEP /W are input into SIGMA /W in order to analyze stress field of the dam .Lastly the SLOPE /W module is applied to obtain the position of latent slide interface and slope safety factor under varied wa -ter levels.By coupling analysis of the dam based on Geo Studio ,the running situation of tailings dam under different water levels is understood and the results are more reliable .
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