以乙二醇( C2 H6 O2)为有机溶剂,采用溶剂热法制备了花状SnO2纳米材料,并将制备的SnO2制成旁热式气敏元件.通过XRD,SEM等测试手段对SnO2纳米材料进行了表征,并初步分析了气敏元件对丙酮的敏感机理.制备的SnO2材料是由粒径约为10 nm的颗粒有规则的堆叠而成的直径约为3~4μm的花瓣清晰的多孔分级花状结构.研究发现,气敏元件对丙酮气体有很好的响应灵敏度.在最佳工作温度(350℃)时,检测的丙酮体积分数最低为1×10-6.对100 ppm丙酮的响应及恢复时间分别为40和50 s.且气敏元件对丙酮气体的响应灵敏度远高于对苯、甲苯、甲醇、甲醛、氨等气体的响应灵敏度.
In this paper, a flower-like SnO2 nanomaterials were synthesized by using a solvothermal method, and the organic solvent was ethylene glycol ( C2 H6 O2 ) . The structure of SnO2 was characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD) and field emission scanning electron microscope ( FE-SEM) . The diameter of the“flower”is about 3~4 μm, and the petals are composed of nanoparticals with a size around 10 nm, which indicates a porous and hierachical structure. The sensors fabricated by flower-like SnO2 exhibited good sensing properties to acetone at operating temperature of 350 ℃, and the minimum test concentration was volume fraction 1×10-6. The response time and recovery time of the sensors to 100 ppm acetone were about 40 s and 50 s, respectively. The response value of the sensor to acetone is much higher than other possible interference gases such as benzene, toluene, methanol, formaldehyde, ammonia etc.
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