应用第一部份所建立的实验方法测量了模拟电路和实际电化学体系的阻抗值.测量所得到的结果与理论值较好地符合。从而证实了全部仪器及测量方法的可靠性。 铂电极上Fe(CN)_6~(3-)/Fe(CN)_6~(4-)体系的复数平面图为一单位斜率的直线,Z′~ω~(-1/2)和Z″~ω~(-1/2)呈直线性关系。这表明电极过程为扩散所控制,并求得Fe(CN)_6~(3-)和Fe(CN)_6~(4-)的平均扩散系数为7.24×10~(-6)cm~2s~(-1).在Fe/H_2SO_4体系中所测得阻抗应为一半圆,反应为电化学步骤所控制。随着H_2SO_4浓度的增加,反应阻抗减小。我们还对1 NH_2SO_4中加入缓蚀剂IN7进行测量,阻抗图仍为一半圆,只是反应电阻由加入缓蚀剂剂的85.3Ω·cm~2增大到268 Ω·cm~2。
The method described in part I has been used to determine AC Impedance of the dummy cells and electro-chemical systems. The measured results pretty well agree with those obtained by theoritical calculations.The complex plane plot for Pt/Fe ( CN)_6~(3-)/Fe (CN)_6~(4-) system appears as a straight line with unit slope. Both Z′~ω~(-1/2) and Z" ~ω~(-1/2) relations are linear, verifing that the electrode process is mass-transfer-controlled. The obtained averaging diffusion coefficient of Fe ( CN)_6~(?) and Fe ( CN)_6~(4-) is 7.24 ×10~(-6)cm~2/s.The impedance plane plots for Fe/H_2SO_4 are semicirclar showing that the electrochemical reaction is charge-transfer-controlled. The charge transfer impedance R_r increases with decrease in concentration of H_2SO_4. When corrosion inhibitor IN7 is added to 1 N H_2SO_4/Fe system, the charge transfer impedance apparently increases from 85.3Ω·cm~2 to 286Ω·cm~2.
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