


采用电沉积的方法制备铜铟硫(CuInS2,CIS2)薄膜,紫外可见光谱仪测试结果表明电沉积制备的CIS2薄膜的禁带宽度为1.5 eV.X射线光电子能谱(XPS)分析表明,薄膜中的铜、铟、硫元素的价态分别为+1,+3和-2.采用线性伏安扫描测试了薄膜的光电性质,在黑暗和光照的条件下,I-V曲线斜率变化率为0.6×10-3.运用DMol3和CASTEP模块计算了电沉积制备的铜铟硫薄膜的禁带宽度,其数值为1.5 eV.通过Materials Studio建立了电沉积制备出的铜铟硫薄膜的结构和XRD模拟谱图,与实验结果一致.

Copper indium sulfide (CuinS2,CIS2) film was prepared by an electro-deposition method.Uv-vis spectrophotometer test result shows that the band gap of the electroplated CIS2 film is 1.5 eV.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis reveals that the Cu,In and S signals corresponded to valence state (+1,+3 and-2) of three elements in CIS2 film,respectively.The photoelectrical properties of the CIS2 film were characterized by linear sweep voltammetry measurements under the dark and illumination.The I-V characteristic is linear under the dark and illumination,and the slope gap is 0.6× 10-3.We also simulated the band gap (1.5 eV) of the C[S2 film with chalcopyrite structure prepared by electroplating experiment using DMol3 and CASTEP modules,respectively.The molecular structure model of electroplated copper indium sulfide film has been established,and the X-ray diffraction simulative spectrum has been obtained by Materials Studio,which has good agreement with the experiment result.


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