将人为损伤的自修复涂层钢筋置于海水中浸泡,通过测量钢筋的自腐蚀电位、涂层下的钢筋腐蚀面积、涂层和钢筋界面间的粘附性,并观察涂层破损处的锈蚀状况,研究自修复涂层中的亚硝酸离子对破损涂层处钢筋腐蚀的抑制效果,及碱性环境对亚硝酸离子抑制效应的影响. 结果表明,自修复涂层中的水泥和其碱性环境对抑制腐蚀有促进作用;涂层中添加的亚硝酸盐对钢筋腐蚀有显著的抑制效果;亚硝酸盐和水泥的复合抑制效果优于它们独立的抑制效果,且亚硝酸盐含量越高, 腐蚀抑制效果越明显.并对自修复涂层的阻锈机理进行了探讨.
Self-repairing coating on rebar steel was damaged artificially and immersed in sea water. Then the free corrosion potential, corrosion area of the steel beneath the coating, adhesion between the coating and steel were measured. The rust product in the damaged area was observed. The inhibiting effect of nitrite in the self-repairing coating and the influence on the nitrite effctiveness of alkaline environment provided by cement were investigated. The result showed that the alkaline environment provided by cement played a positive role; the addition of nitrite in the inner coating can effectively inhibit the corrosion; the higher the nitrite concentration is, the stronger the inhibiting efficiency; the effect of nitrite was stronger than that of alkaline environment, the combined effect of nitrite and cement was superior to that of the two individuals. Finally, the inhibiting mechanism of this self-repairing coating was discussed.
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