在压力5.8 GPa、温度1500℃、烧结时间1 min条件下,以3%(质量分数)的碳纳米管作为添加剂,在金刚石-钴-碳纳米管烧结体系中发现了碳纳米管表面生长的由纳米颗粒形成的纤维.用酸碱将样品处理前后的SEM观察发现,该复合纤维的外层为纳米聚晶金刚石.EDS、XPS、XRD和拉曼光谱分析进一步证实,复合纤维的内层为多壁碳纳米管、外层为纳米聚晶金刚石.在此基础上提出,在高温高压下未转变的CNTs可能对外层再生长纳米金刚石起模板作用.
A regrown composite fiber was synthesized during the sintering of diamond under high pressure 5.8 Gpa and high temperature 1500 °C for 1 min by using 3% MWCNTs as additive. The experiment results revealed that the outer layer of the fiber is composed of nano-polycrystalline diamond, while the inner fiber is composed of MWCNTs. It is proposed that the untransformed MWCNTs may act as a template for the regrown outer layer of nano-polycrystalline diamond fiber under high pressure and high temperature.
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