Potassium titanate whiskers is a kind of chain tunnel structure of new material, which has excellent physical and mechanical properties and stable chemical properties. At present, the synthesis of potassium titanate by KDC method required high temperature and whiskers had small ratio of length to diameter. However,in this paper, KDC method was improved that V2O5 was additive to lower calcination temperature and increased ratio of length to diameter which could be reached 22. It was found that V2O5 could lower calcination temperature by TG-DSC curve. Simultaneously suitable calcinations temperature,time and amounts of V2O5 were identified by XRD and SEM. The results showed that when calcination temperature was 800℃, calcination time 5h, 2% amounts of V2O5, synthesizing potassium titanate whiskers had 22 average ratio of length to diameter, good crystal and uniform morphology.
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