电子束冷床炉熔炼是生产钛及钛合金铸锭的主要方法,利用该方法能够生产出高低密度夹杂少、组织成分均匀的高品质钛合金铸锭,而工艺参数是决定铸锭质量的主要因素.本研究利用铸造模拟专用软件PROCAST对电子束冷床炉熔炼大型TC4钛合金扁锭的连铸凝固过程进行数值模拟,研究了不同工艺条件下铸锭的温度场分布特征、初生枝晶半径、二次枝晶臂间距等,最终确定出本模拟工艺条件下,电子束冷床炉熔炼TC4钛合金扁锭的最佳工艺参数为熔炼速度250 kg/h,铸造速度20 mm/rnin,浇注温度1700℃.
The electron beam cold hearth melting (EBCHM)is the main method for titanium and titanium alloy melting,and it can produce the high quality titanium and titanium alloy ingot with uniform composition and no high or low density impurities.The melting process parameters are the main factors that decide the titanium alloy ingot quality during the melting-casting process.The special software PROCAST was used to simulate the melting-cast process of the large TC4 titanium alloy flat ingot in the EBCHM,the features of temperature distribution,dendritic grain radius and dendritic secondary arm spacing under different casting process parameters were researched.By the simulation analysis,the optimum cast process parameters for TC4 titanium alloy flat ingot was determined,which was 250 kg/h of smelting speed,20 mm/min of casting speed,and 1 700 ℃ of pouring temperature.
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