The fatigue crack growth properties of the J55 steel were studied by means of SEM and the fatigue test e-quipment, and the fracture morphologies were analyzed. The results show that △K corresponding to the access of fast crack growth regime is reduced with increasing stress ratio; the fracture mode of lower Paris regime is trans-granular fracture occurring in crystallographic plane for stress ratio of 0.1, the fracture mode of the linear portion of Paris regime is fatigue striation fracture controlled double glide mechanism, and the fracture mode of the upper Paris regime is a combination of the fatigue striation fracture with the ductile-dimple static fracture; the every stage fracture mode of stress ratio of 0.3 and 0.5 is similar to that of stress ratio of 0.1; the transgranular fracture mode occurs at every stage of Paris regime for stress ratio of 0.7.
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