


本文对基于碳化硅泡沫陶瓷的高温空气电阻炉内的传热性能进行了实验研究。通过在高温空气电阻炉内插入不同数量的泡沫陶瓷片,研究陶瓷片数量对空气出口温度的影响。同时研究了泡沫陶瓷片的位置对空气出口温度的影响。实验结果表明:当炉膛内不插入泡沫陶瓷片时,在空气流量为200 m~3/h时,空气出口温度为650℃,当炉膛内插入五块泡沫陶瓷片时,空气出口温度达到980℃。本文从实验方面验证了将碳化硅泡沫陶瓷应用到太阳能热发电的吸收器中,强化空气与吸热材料之间的换热的可行性。

This paper experimentally investigated the heat transfer characteristics of air flowing through high-temperature silicon carbide ceramic foams in an electric air heating furnace heated by resistance wires and silicon-carbon sticks.It was found that for an air inlet flow rate of 200 m~3/h, the air outlet temperature reached 980℃after about two hours when five silicon carbide ceramic foam panels were inserted inside the furnace,while it only reached about 650℃when no ceramic foam was inserted.The heat transfer enhancement was due to that the ceramic foams enlarged the heat transfer area between air and hot solid surfaces.The results also showed that the position of the ceramic foam in the furnace played an important role in its effect on the heat transfer.This study well validated that silicon carbide ceramic foam can be used as radiant energy absorbers and heat exchangers especially in volumetric solar receivers in concentrated solar power(CSP) plants to enhance the heat transfer between air and absorber materials.


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