FeCrBSi coatings on 45 steel were prepared by supersonic plasma spraying process. The microstructure, porosity and mechanical properties of the coatings were experimentally determined and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy( SEM), X-Ray diffraction(XRD) and nanoindention tester. The residual stresses in surface of the coatings with different thickness before and after annealing at different temperatures were measured by a X-ray residual stress measurement tester. Results demonstrate that residual stresses in surface of the coatings were tensile stress and increase with the increasing of thickness of coatings. Annealing treatment can effectively alleviate the residual stress. With the increasing of the annealing temperature, the tensile residual stress decreases obviously, is converted to compressive stress at about 260 ℃, and then increases with the increasing of the annealing temperature. But when the annealing temperature is over 400℃ the compresssive, and stress remains stable at about 80 MPa.
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