


以小麦品种小偃81为材料,利用低能N+离子,60Coγ射线以及紫外线UV-C等为诱变源,对种子胚部进行辐照处理。研究其对小麦发芽势、发芽率、根长及苗高等生理指标的影响。以辐照后的幼苗为材料研究了低能N+注入对过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量的影响。研究结果表明:N+注入后种子活力先升高后降低,苗高在5×1017 N+/cm2时显著低于对照;60Co和紫外线辐照对种子活力有较显著的影响,辐照后的根长和苗高均显著低于对照;N+束辐照后的幼苗CAT酶活随剂量的变化规律性不明显,POD和SOD酶活总体趋势随剂量的增加先升高后降低,GSH含量随剂量的增大先降低后升高。由此可知,辐照诱变可以诱导小麦一系列的生理变化。60Coγ射线和紫外线UV-C对小麦胚根的伤害较大,导致幼苗在后期大量死亡。N+注入对小麦的损伤效应较60 Co和紫外线γ射线和紫外线UV-C小,一定注量的N+注入处理可促进小麦生长。

In this paper, the biological effects, such as germination percentage, germination index and the length of seedlings and roots were investigated by using low-energy N+ , 60 Co γ-rays and ultraviolet UV-C to irradiate the embryos of wheat seeds (Xiaoyan81). The anti oxidative enzyme system (CAT, POD, SOD) and GSH content were studied as well. The results show that the vitality of seed increased and then reduced with increasing the dosage of N+ ion implantation. The length of roots and seedlings were significantly higher than control. The seed vigor was significant effected after irradiated by 60Co γ-rays and ultraviolet UV-C, but the length of roots and seedlings were significantly lower than control. After N+ implantation, the changing pattern of CAT was not obviously. The enzymatic activity of POD and SOD were increased at low dosage and reduced at high dosage. The content of GSH was reduced and then raised. The resuhs proved that the damage induced by γ-ray and UV-C to the radicle of wheat was severe that result in a large number of seedling died. However the damage induced by N+ implantation was lower than that by rays and UV-C irradiation. Certain dosage of ion implantation can promote the growth of wheat.


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