


本文探讨了一种制备二氧化钛高度有序多孔结构的方法及其在染料敏化太阳电池中的应用。采用聚苯乙烯悬浮液,采取垂直沉积法得到了聚苯乙烯胶体晶体;以该模板制备了高度有序的纳米二氧化钛反蛋白石多孔薄膜。对胶体晶体模板和二氧化钛反蛋白石有序膜的微观结构进行表征和讨论。用所制得的二氧化钛反蛋白石有序膜组装成染料敏化太阳电池。通过电流电压(I-V)测试和电化学阻抗谱(EIS)等对该太阳电池进行了测试;对比纳米颗粒二氧化钛薄膜电池,反蛋白石薄膜的开路电压提高了0.24 V,电池内阻降低了61.9%。

A preparation method of a TiO2 highly-ordered porous structure and its application in dye-sensitized solar cells were explored.Polystyrene colloidal crystals were prepared by vertical deposition in a polystyrene suspension.Using the crystals as the template,thin TiO2 films with a highly-ordered nano porous inverse-opal structure were prepared.The micro structures of the colloidal crystal template and TiO2 inverse-opal ordered films were characterized and discussed.Then dye-sensitized solar cells were fabricated with the TiO2 inverse-opal ordered films.The solar cells were characterized by current-voltage(I-V) testing and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS).Compared with normal nano-particle cells,the open circuit voltage of the inverse-opal device increased by 0.24V,and the internal resistance decreased by 61.9%.


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