


目前,国内外有关N-长链烷基苯并咪唑对钢缓蚀作用的研究鲜见报道,苯并咪唑无毒,环境友好,可替代苯并三氮唑,利用价值大.合成了一系列不同链长的N-烷基苯并咪唑阳离子(NBIC),并研究了其对碳钢的缓蚀性能和作用机理.通过失重法、极化曲线法、扫描电镜分析以及对吸附热的计算等考察了40℃下N-烷基苯并咪唑阳离子在1.0 mol/L HCl中对碳钢的缓蚀作用.NBIC在较低浓度(20 mg/L)下就表现出优异的性能,以N-正十二基苯并咪唑阳离子(N12BIC)效果最好.随着浓度的增加,缓蚀效率增加,当N12BIC浓度为50 mg/L时,缓蚀率达到97.15%.吸附热数据表明在碳钢表面的吸附行为既包含化学吸附又有物理吸附.极化曲线测试表明,NBIC是一种以抑制阴极反应为主的混合型缓蚀剂.

A series of N-alkyl benzimi-dazole cations (NBIC) with different alkyl length were synthe-sized. The inhibition behavior of NBIC for mild steel in 1.0 mol/L HC1 medium at 40 ℃ was investigated by measurement of weight loss and polarization curves, observation of scanning elec-tron microscopy and calculation of adsorption heat. It was found that NBIC had excellent inhibition efficiency for mild steel even at a low concentration of 20 mg/L, and N -dodecane benzimidazole cationic (N12 BIC) showed the best inhibition performance. The inhibition efficiency increased with increasing concentration of NBIC, and reached as much as 97.15% at a N12BIC concentra-tion of 50 mg/L. Moreover, NBIC acted to inhibit corrosion of the mild stcel by chemical adsorption and physical adsorption there-on. And it appeared as a type of mixed inhibitor dominated by cathode inhibition.


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