


在磷酸体系中,采用水热合成法通过调节PO_4~(3-)/Ce~(3+)摩尔比控制合成了一维CePO_4纳米棒/线,发现了CePO_4到CeO_2的结构和形貌演变.利用X射线衍射、场发射扫描电镜、能谱分析和荧光光谱分析了产物的相结构、晶粒尺寸、形貌及发光性能.结果表明:随PO_4~(3-)/Ce~(3+)摩尔比的降低,CePO_4纳米棒逐渐演变成纳米线,进而在更低的PO_4~(3-)/Ce~(3+)下由CePO_4导向生成CeO_2一维纳米棒.CePO_4纳米棒/线在300~400 nm范围内有较强的宽带发射,是属于Ce~(3+)离子的5d-4f跃迁.CePO_4纳米线的光致发光性能优于纳米棒.

In phosphoric acid system, by altering the reactant PO_4~(3-)/Ce~(3+) molar ratio, CePO_4 nanorods/wires were synthesized through hydrothermal route, and the structure and morphology evolution from CePO_4 to CeO_2 were also detected. The structures, morphologies, sizes and luminescence properties of the products were studied by XRD, SEM, EDX and luminescence spectra. The results indicate that with decreasing of the PO_4~(3-)/Ce~(3+) molar ratio, CePO_4 nanorods changed to nanowires, which further resulted in the formation of one dimesional CeO_2 nanowires at lower PO_4~(3-)/Ce~(3+) molar ratio. The photoluminescence spectrum shows that CePO_4 nanorods/wires have a rather broad emission between about 300~400 nm, which is caused by the 5d-4f emission of Ce~(3+). And the CePO_4 nanowires exhibit better photoluminescent property than the CePO_4 nanorods.


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