Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films have been deposited on glass substrates using radio-frequency (rf) plasma deposition method, γ-ray, ultraviolet (UV) ray were used toirradiate the DLC films. Raman spectroscopy and infrared (IR) spectroscopy were usedto characterize the changing characteristics of SP3 C-H bond and hydrogen content inthe films due to the irradiations. The results show that, the damage degrees induced bythe UV ray on the SP3 C-H bonds are much stronger than that by the γ-ray. When theirradiation dose of γ-ray reaches 10× 104Gy, the SP3 C-H bond reduces about 50% innumber. The square electrical resistance of the films is reduced due to the irradiationof UV ray and this is caused by severe oxidation of the films. By using the results onoptical gap of the films and the fully constrained network theory, the hydrogen contentin the as-deposited films is estimated to be 10-25at.%.
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