


以乙二胺为前驱液,采用高温热解法,860℃下在镍基底表面生长CNx纳米管薄 膜.研究了经过不同实验条件处理过的镍基底表面的CNx纳米管的生长情况.实验结果表明, 经过不同的预处理过程后,镍基底对CNx纳米管的生长表现出不同的催化性能,经过氢氟酸 (HF)浸泡10min并无水乙醇超声清洗过的镍基底有利于具有"竹节状"结构的CNx纳米管的 生长.

The CNx nanotubes films were fabricated by pyrolyzing ethylenediamine on Ni substrates at 860℃. The growth of CNx nanotubes on Ni substrates pretreated in different conditions was investigated. It is found that the Ni substrates pretreated in different conditions have different catalytic effects on the growth of CNx nanotubes, and the CNx nanotubes with "bamboo-like" structure grow preferentially on the Ni substrate dipped in HF for 10 min and followed by ultrasonically cleaned in ethanol.


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