


基于实验误差和模型误差,分析厚板应力测试不确定度产生的根源,确定每一种误差源的计算准则,并对误差源提取相应的厚板实验数据,对其不确定度进行计算。在获得总的应力测试的合成标准不确定度,对测试方法的误差进行分析。计算结果表明:层削法应力测试计算不确定度小于7 MPa,具有较高的测试精度。在模型误差和实验误差的综合作用下,层削法计算模型可以保持较高的准确性。

Layer removal method ( LRM ) is a major method on the determination of stress measurement in thick plate. Uncertainty is a scientific method that can analyze accuracy of the internal stress determined by LRM and evaluate applicability of this method. Firstly, resource of generating uncertainty is found, and a calculation criterion for stress determination of thick plate must be given. Secondly, the experiment data is abstracted according with resource. Finally, a total and standard uncertainty is given by combined way based on experimental and model error. The conclusion is that the LRM has a high testing precision that the influence of uncertainty is not more than 7 MPa in a reasonable standard test condition. As a result of model error and experimental error, the calculation data of LRM can keep a high accuracy.


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