对锰含量为18.8%的TRIP/TWIP钢进行单轴拉伸实验, 研究了这种钢的应变硬化行为. 结果表明: 这种高锰TRIP/TWIP钢的真应力应变曲线不完全遵循Hollomon的线性关系, 在不同变形阶段强化机制不同. 在塑性变形的开始阶段TRIP效应比较明显, 且应变硬化指数n是恒定的; 而真应变在0.14--0.35之间时二阶导数d2σ/dε2>0, 应变硬化指数n随着应变量的增加而增加, 其微观机制是形成大量的形变孪晶, 并有孪晶和位错的交互作用, TWIP效应在该阶段占主导作用. 真应变大于0.35后有少量TRIP效应, 此时两相均发生变形.
The tensile tests were carried out to study the strain hardening behavior of a high manganese TRIP/TWIP steels with 18.8% manganese. The results indicated that, strain hardening behaviors are different during the deformation process. True stress-strain curve obeys Hollomon relationship partly. TRIP effect occurs in the initial plastic stage, and the strain hardening exponent in this stage is a constant. However, the value of n increases with true strain ε increasing, when true strain is between 0.14 and 0.35. Then the value of d2σ/dε2 is above zero. A lot of deformation twinning can be found, and the micro mechanisms are twins induced plasticity. TWIP effect dominates this stage. The mechanism of the last stage is some TRIP effect, and both phases have occurred plastic deformation.
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