


以 1K PAN基碳纤维为增强体、以调制中温煤沥青为基体前躯体,分别在常压下和高压(40MPa、80MPa)下制备出了沥青基碳/碳复合材料。借助偏光显微镜对碳/碳复合材料试样进行的微观组织的观察发现,碳基体中既有域组织,也有镶嵌组织,而焦炭主要为细镶嵌组织.偏光试样经过酸液氧化腐蚀处理后,利用电子显微镜对其扫描观察,发现各向异性区域呈现出流线组织特征,流线纹路的疏密与沥青碳化时的压力有关.压力越高,纹路越密实,表明碳层面的取向性也就越好.

With 1K PAN-based carbon fibers as reinforcements and modulated middle-temperature coal-tar pitch as matrix precursor, pitch-based
carbon-carbon composites were fabricated under low pressure and high pressure respectively. It was found that there was both domains and mosaics in the carbon
matrix, through the examination of the microstructures under polarized light microscope. There were mainly fine-grained mosaics in the green coke. The SEM micrographs of the
etched surfaces of samples show that it appears the characteristic of flows in the anisotropic field. The grains of the flow structure had relations with the pressure under which coal-tar pitch carbonized. The higher the carbonization pressure was, the
denser and neater the grains were, which indicates a higher degree of orientation of basal planes of the carbon.


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