High density pine fiberboard (HDF) with good fire performance was successfully prepared by using flame retardants of industrial by2 product(mainly composed of aluminum trihydrate AI(OH)3), zinc borate (2ZnO . 3B2O3. 3.5 H20) and boric acid (H3BO3). The mechanical properties, flame retardancy and char morphology were characterized and analyzed. The results show that there is a good synergistic effect on the flame-retardancy between Al(OH)a and 2ZnO . 3B203 . 3.5H20 and H3BOa which can enhance the char formation up to 22.2% and reduce the total heat release with a dop of 32%, while the mechanical properties are well maintained. The limited oxygen index (LOI) of the flame retardancy board can reach up to 36.4%0 and the vertical burning test can reach V- 0.
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