主要介绍了在电解精炼中加入电解辅助试剂 QJ -D -1从合质金提取纯金的工艺.在该工艺中加入金电解辅助试剂 QJ -D -1可有效提高电解法精炼黄金所需合质金中银的含量,有效消除了氯化银造成的阳极钝化现象和提高电解效率,同时可使电解液酸度由传统的4~7 mol/L HCl 降低到2 mol/L 以下,电解周期也由传统的48 h 减少到42 h,电解精炼后金纯度可大于99.99%.此工艺减少了试剂的消耗和环境污染,有显著的经济效效益和环境效益.
tion process of pure gold from gold ingots .In this process auxiliary reagent QJ -D -1 can effectively improve silver This article focuses on the addition of auxiliary reagent of QJ -D -1 in the electrolytic refining extrac-content in gold ingots,effectively eliminate the anodic passivation caused by silver chloride and improve the electroly -2 mol/L,and the electrolytic cycle reduce from traditional 48 h to 42 h.The purity of gold after electrolysis refining sis efficiency.It can also make the electrolyte acidity reduce from the traditional 4 -7 mol /L HCl to less than can be greater than 99.99 %.This process reduced reagent consumption and environment pollution ,achieving remark-able economic and environmental benefits .
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