


Reducing the forming load, deletion of springback, increasing the formability of sheets as well as producing high strength parts are the main reasons to apply hot stamping process. Hot stamping process and 22MnB5 steels are the state of the art process and grades, respectively; however novel processes and steel grades are under considerations. In the current research, behavior of the steel grade MSW1200 blanks under semi and fully hot stamping processes was characterized. During semi-hot stamping process, the blank was firstly heated to a temperature of about 650℃ and then formed and quenched in the die assembly, simultaneously. Microstructure and mechanical properties of semi and fully hot stamped blanks were studied and the results were compared with those of normally water/air quenched blanks. The hot stamped blanks attained the strength values as high as water quenched blanks. The highest ductility and consequently, the best formability were achieved for the blank which had been semi-hot stamped. It was concluded that for the mentioned steel, semi-hot stamping process could be considered as an improved thermo-mechanical process which not only guaranteed a high formability, but also led to ultra high strength values.


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