Naphthalimide fluorescent brightening agent (FBA) was synthesized from 4-bromo-1,8-naphthalic anhydride and ethanolamine via amidation, then joining ethoxy electron-donating group into 4-bit of naphthalene ring. With cyanuric chloride as the crosslinking monomer, a new yellowing inhibitor for high-yield pulp was synthesized through joining the ultraviolet absorber (UVA) 2,4-dihydroxy-benzophenone and naphthalimide fluorescent brightener in the same molecule. Then a water-soluble yellowing inhibitor polymer was obtained by copolymerization between it with acrylamide. The molecular structures were characterized by IR spectra and 1 H NMR;optical properties were measureed by UV spectra and fluorescence spectra. Coating the three prepared additives according to a certain concentration on the surface of paper, their yellowing inhibition effect were studied by UV accelerated yellowing experiments. The results show that: when the three additives use the optimal dosage, after 26h UV accelerated aging, the yellowing inhibition effect of them followed the order : yellowing inhibitor polymer 〉yellowing inhibitor monomer 〉naphthalimide FBA.
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