


目前的铝合金微弧氧化工艺存在电流密度高、槽液温度范围窄等不足,使其应用受到了限制.为此,从铝材低电流密度和宽槽液温度方面研究了6063铝材的微弧氧化工艺,探讨了微弧氧化工艺中电流密度及槽液温度对起弧电压、起弧时间及膜层厚度等的影响.结果表明,同等条件下,电流密度越大,则起弧电压越低,起弧时间越短,膜层越厚;槽液温度越高,则起弧电压越低,起弧时间越短,膜层越厚;在10 min内,得到12μm厚度的膜层,同等时间内比普通阳极氧化膜厚提高4倍;微弧氧化膜的表面显微硬度相对6063铝材高7倍以上.

The technology for micro - arc oxidation of 6063 Al materials at lowered current density and broadened range of bath temperature was investigated. The effects of current density and bath temperature on the arcing voltage, arcing time and thickness of micro - arc oxidation coatings were explored. Results indicate that while other conditions are kept unchanged, the larger the current density is, the lower the arcing voltage, the shorter the arcing time and the thicker the micro-arc oxidation coating will be. Similarly, the higher the temperature of the bath is, the lower the arcing voltage, the shorter the arcing time and the thicker the micro-arc oxidation coating will be. It was feasible to prepare oxide coating with a thickness of 12 (xm within 10 minutes by making use of the established micro - arc oxidation technology, and the thickness of the coating was as much as 5 times of that prepared via conventional micro-arc oxidation. At the same time, the microhardness of the oxide coating prepared by using the present technology was as much as 8 times of that of 6063 Al substrate.


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